Collins Abinoro Nigerian, b. 1984

Collins Abinoro (born 1984) is a sculptor from Delta State, Nigeria, who has made a name for himself through his innovative use of recycled and upcycled materials in his artwork. He obtained a Higher National Diploma in sculpture from the School of Art and Design at Auchi Polytechnic in Edo State, Nigeria.
Throughout his career, Collins has experimented with various materials, but he is particularly renowned for his sculptures created from upcycled cutlery. His unique artistic practice involves constructing life-sized sculptures without the use of visible armatures or supports, allowing for a sense of free-flowing creativity.
Beyond the technical aspects of his work, Collins views his art as a form of communication. Through his sculptures, he addresses topics such as culture, racial identity, and human history, using his artistic voice to spark conversations and provoke thoughtful reflection.
Currently based in Lagos, Collins is an active member of the Sculpture Association of Nigeria. His works have gained international recognition and can be found in collections around the world.