Kehinde Adewuyi Nigerian, b. 1959

Kenny Adewuyi was born in 1959 and he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in sculpture in 1985 and a Masters of Fine Arts  in 1996 from Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, where he also received the award as best student in sculpture and drawing. He was given further training at the Musee d’Art Ancien et Contemporain, in Epinal, France in 1997. 
Adewuyi has researched, explored and developed expertise in elongating and exaggerating figurative sculpture in bronze, using the lost wax techniques dating back to the 9th Century in eastern Nigeria. He has taken part in many international exhibitions including at the Galerie Brulee in Strasbourg (2017), the Musee Pierre Noel in Saint-Die-desVosges in France (2015),  Galerie22 in Coustellet,  France (2012), the Mojo Gallery in Dubai,  U.A.E (2011), and at the Brunei Gallery of the School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London (2009). He has exhibited at Maison de France, Alliance Francaise,  the National Museum and at Temple Muse, Lagos. Adewuyi has taught workshops on bronze sculpting at the Centre Alternative,  (C.P.I F.A.C) in Velaine en Haye,  the Atelier Céline Laurent in Jean Liancourt,  the Maison de la Céramique in Mulhouse, and at the Ecole des Arts Plastiques in  Monaco in France.
He is a member of the Society of Nigerian Artists (SNA), a member of the Guild of Professional Fine Artists of Nigeria (GFA), and a member of the Maison des Artistes in France.